Small agency.
Big thinking.

We are small. Because we want it like that. We’ve done our homework in the communication business for well over a decade. We’ve taken the best out of being a big communication agency – and made it smaller. We believe that’s the future. Small, flexible, easy-going communication experts who collaborate in a network setup to make your business shine.

– Celebrating ten years as the smallest possible strategic and creative communication agency –

🌱☀️Hey Spring! Hey Space! 🚀✨. New offices - new opportunities. Meet us at our new home: Hey Space in the eastern part of Gothenburg. A unique old industral building from early 1900 turned into a melting pot for creatives / coworking hub for communications specialists. Small changes can create big leaps 🦋

🌱☀️Hey Spring! Hey Space! 🚀✨. New offices - new opportunities. Meet us at our new home: Hey Space in the eastern part of Gothenburg. A unique old industral building from early 1900 turned into a melting pot for creatives / coworking hub for communications specialists. Small changes can create big leaps 🦋 ...

Back in Malmö - where it all started - to meet up with Small Agency network partner Harry the office dog 🐶❤️. (And Catherine Brand strategist / agency co-founder was also there 😂)

Back in Malmö - where it all started - to meet up with Small Agency network partner Harry the office dog 🐶❤️. (And Catherine Brand strategist / agency co-founder was also there 😂) ...

There’s remote work and there’s remote work ❤️. I’d like to thank my wonderful clients for hardly noticing the different work environment this whole January 🏝️🙏. 

A lot of new experiences, cultures, inspiration and truthfully: a LOT more indoors staring at AirCons than laptops in the gazing sunset 😂. (But who wants to see that?). 

This month was a dream come true, trying out the life of a true digital nomad. I’ll tell you a secret. The world is getting smaller and smaller. And we love it.

There’s remote work and there’s remote work ❤️. I’d like to thank my wonderful clients for hardly noticing the different work environment this whole January 🏝️🙏.

A lot of new experiences, cultures, inspiration and truthfully: a LOT more indoors staring at AirCons than laptops in the gazing sunset 😂. (But who wants to see that?).

This month was a dream come true, trying out the life of a true digital nomad. I’ll tell you a secret. The world is getting smaller and smaller. And we love it.

Väldigt sällan vi spontant citerar kungen och Silvia här på lilla byrån 😂. Men det sa bara klick - redan vid första ögonkastet 🥰. Och då snackar vi inte klickgolv. 

#internalcommunication #leadership #management #employerbranding

Väldigt sällan vi spontant citerar kungen och Silvia här på lilla byrån 😂. Men det sa bara klick - redan vid första ögonkastet 🥰. Och då snackar vi inte klickgolv.

#internalcommunication #leadership #management #employerbranding

Snabbvisit på andra sidan älven (yes I passed the gates 😂🔐!) Speglingar i kontorsbyggnader part 5. #uni3bygeely

Snabbvisit på andra sidan älven (yes I passed the gates 😂🔐!) Speglingar i kontorsbyggnader part 5. #uni3bygeely ...

Wishing our favourite clean-tech customer Arrow Lake good luck at the exhibition CibusTec in Italy. A cost efficient and sustainable reuse of the flexible booth panels from last year’s Anuga FoodTech booth. ArrowLake cleans water and air with industrial ozone generators and was recently awarded ”årets nybyggare” by Sweden’s Region South. Dream team 🤩

Wishing our favourite clean-tech customer Arrow Lake good luck at the exhibition CibusTec in Italy. A cost efficient and sustainable reuse of the flexible booth panels from last year’s Anuga FoodTech booth. ArrowLake cleans water and air with industrial ozone generators and was recently awarded ”årets nybyggare” by Sweden’s Region South. Dream team 🤩 ...

Happy to finally meet in person with Sacha at theBrandFloor, travelling to Gothenburg from HQ in Amsterdam to meet upp with the Essity team and a visit to the Small Agency working space at @unitedspaces. More possible co-ops in the future 🙌

Happy to finally meet in person with Sacha at theBrandFloor, travelling to Gothenburg from HQ in Amsterdam to meet upp with the Essity team and a visit to the Small Agency working space at @unitedspaces. More possible co-ops in the future 🙌 ...

Sunny Malmö meeting with Catherine at Hailes Communication, co-founder of Small Agency before the move to Gothenburg in 2021.

We go way back. Colleagues for nine years at @wcommunicationagency, seven years as partners running @smallagency together in Malmö and now soon three years in a looser network setup with Hillevi running the agency from Gothenburg proofs it more than enough.

Things change and constellations change but friendship, trust and mutual respect will never change between the two of us.

Sunny Malmö meeting with Catherine at Hailes Communication, co-founder of Small Agency before the move to Gothenburg in 2021.

We go way back. Colleagues for nine years at @wcommunicationagency, seven years as partners running @smallagency together in Malmö and now soon three years in a looser network setup with Hillevi running the agency from Gothenburg proofs it more than enough.

Things change and constellations change but friendship, trust and mutual respect will never change between the two of us.

Bra energier in - en härlig fredag! ☀️När man får till en brunchlunch med energijournalist & nyhetschef Ann-Sofie Borglund ✍️✨

Bra energier in - en härlig fredag! ☀️När man får till en brunchlunch med energijournalist & nyhetschef Ann-Sofie Borglund ✍️✨ ...

Weekly meeting with the European Essity team at Brandfloor - all of us working as inhouse designers with Essity projects throughout Europe, and Small Agency is one of the subcontracted for Essity HQ in Gothenburg, Sweden. Every week we meet up to share what’s up and to join forces in some projects - today was of course a Valentines special. 

Lots of love from all over Europe today 🤗💐 greetings from, among others, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, England, Austria and today also remotely from Thailand. 

It’s a Small World indeed 🌎💗

Weekly meeting with the European Essity team at Brandfloor - all of us working as inhouse designers with Essity projects throughout Europe, and Small Agency is one of the subcontracted for Essity HQ in Gothenburg, Sweden. Every week we meet up to share what’s up and to join forces in some projects - today was of course a Valentines special.

Lots of love from all over Europe today 🤗💐 greetings from, among others, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, England, Austria and today also remotely from Thailand.

It’s a Small World indeed 🌎💗

Massa spännande nytt under Q1 för lilla byrån 🤩✨. Dels en befintlig kund som har bett mig (/Hillevi) ta över hennes Marknadsroll remote under sin föräldraledighet. Dels en helt ny konstellation där jag kommer ha en deltids inhouse-roll med grafisk formgivning hos Essity i Göteborg - men på uppdrag av en större reklambyrå med säte i Holland. Blir alltså del i ett lokalt inhouse marknadsteam med slutkund - men dessutom med i ett internationellt byråteam av andra kreativa som alla jobbar för samma kundkonto runt om i Europa. It’s a Small World - and we love it 🌎❤️

Gamla tidens byråer: ni hänger löst 🤪🤣. Den förr så glasklara gränsen mellan byrå och beställare, mellan frilans och byrå, mellan kollegor och konsulter suddas mer och mer ut på ett alldeles underbart sätt. Tagline Think Different - är den tagen? 🙃 #freeyourmind #wearesmallandlovingit

Massa spännande nytt under Q1 för lilla byrån 🤩✨. Dels en befintlig kund som har bett mig (/Hillevi) ta över hennes Marknadsroll remote under sin föräldraledighet. Dels en helt ny konstellation där jag kommer ha en deltids inhouse-roll med grafisk formgivning hos Essity i Göteborg - men på uppdrag av en större reklambyrå med säte i Holland. Blir alltså del i ett lokalt inhouse marknadsteam med slutkund - men dessutom med i ett internationellt byråteam av andra kreativa som alla jobbar för samma kundkonto runt om i Europa. It’s a Small World - and we love it 🌎❤️

Gamla tidens byråer: ni hänger löst 🤪🤣. Den förr så glasklara gränsen mellan byrå och beställare, mellan frilans och byrå, mellan kollegor och konsulter suddas mer och mer ut på ett alldeles underbart sätt. Tagline Think Different - är den tagen? 🙃 #freeyourmind #wearesmallandlovingit